
Mesothelioma Causes and Risks

Mesothelioma is cancer of a protective membrane that covers most of the body’s internal organs. Every three out of the four cases of this cancer begins in the pleural mesothelium chest cavity while other cases may begin in the abdominal cavity and around the heart. Where they begin is not an issue, mesothelium cells can damage the nearby tissues. These cancer cells spread all around the body and can damage other parts of the body.

It has been found that most of the patients suffering from this disease can’t survive and die as a result of respiratory failure while others die because of the tumor or cardiac complications.

Causes of Mesothelioma

However, the main cause of the disease is the exposure to asbestos. Other possible causes include:

Zeolites: these are the minerals which are chemically related to asbestos. One of the related minerals, erionite, is also believed to cause mesothelioma rates in the patients.

Radiation– it has been reported that mesotheliomas are also developed by the exposure of high radiations of thorium oxide, which is used by doctors in X-rays. The exposure damages the cells of chest and abdomen.

SV40 virus– it has been reported that infection with simian virus 40 might increase the risk of developing mesothelioma. It was found that injectable polio vaccines were contaminated and became the cause of the spreading of this virus amongst the humans.

Genetics– some experts have a belief that certain people may be genetically predisposed to cancer.

The disease is brutal and has only 5-10% survival rate.

Hiring an Columbus Mesothelioma Lawyer will not only provide justice and legal guidance but also brings peace of mind to the patient and his family. As the patient suffering from this chronic disease might not be able to come to the lawyer, Columbus Mesothelioma Lawyer comes to the patient’s home and provides appropriate help. The lawyers also provide you with a free consultation about the disease.

Visit: http://ohiomesotheliomaattorney.com/columbus-mesothelioma-attorney/

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